Calendar Contest
Susan G. Komen
Submitted by Merkle Inc.
The Numbers
Recipients: 144,618
Response Rate: 6.39 percent
Total Cost: $160,850
Income Generated: $332,630
Average Gift: $35.99
Cost to Raise a Dollar: $0.48
Why It Won
The numbers listed for this multichannel effort reflect only the final calendar mailing, and they are certainly solid—especially the 6.39 percent response rate. But it was the way the interactive campaign engaged both online and offline audiences that made it the clear winner in this category.
The premise was simple: Generate content for Susan G. Komen’s annual calendar mailing through an online art-submission contest, followed by voting on social media to determine the winning design. An email series would ask for submissions, give voting instructions and announce the winners, with various online and social elements in support. Then, a package including the finished calendar, a sheet of labels featuring art from the calendar, and a fundraising appeal letter would be mailed to supporters.
The results were incredible. The email series resulted in some of the highest open rates and engagement rates Susan G. Komen had ever seen, while the social media components generated thousands of votes and a host of new Facebook followers. The calendar mailing raised $332,630, a 10 percent increase over the prior year.
See the complete list of 2016 winners here.