As a nonprofit organization, it is important to be engaged and relevant to the community that you are located in. By becoming an active member in the local area, not only can you increase the recognition of your organization, but you can also meet the people that make up the very community you operate in. These people are your very direct base of volunteers and donors, and your nonprofit needs to recognize them and appreciate their efforts in supporting your cause.
With 23.5 percent of adults volunteering with an organization, according to a report by Urban Institute, keeping it local when it comes to finding manpower may be wise, as these adults make up 8.7 billion volunteer hours a year. The same report also indicated that private charitable donations account for 13.3 percent of a nonprofit’s revenue, a total that makes up plenty of local funding and the third largest revenue source for nonprofits.
To stay true to your local roots, nine members of Forbes Nonprofit Council recommend ways you can better engage with your community and get the volunteers and donations your nonprofit needs. Here is what they shared.