Funding from foundations in support of global human rights initiatives totaled $1.8 billion in 2012, a report from Foundation Center and the International Human Rights Funders Group finds.
The 2015 edition of Advancing Human Rights: Update on Global Foundation Grantmaking found that 774 foundations based in 45 countries made nearly 19,000 grants to almost 11,000 nonprofits working to advance human rights. Among the 611 funders whose grants were included in both the 2011 and 2012 data sets, total grant dollars increased 6 percent, while the total number of grants rose 5 percent. For the second straight year, the Open Society Foundations was the largest funder in terms of both total grant dollars and the number of grants awarded, with 2,122 grants totaling $262.2 million, followed by the Ford Foundation, which ranked second in terms of grant dollars ($214.6 million) and fourth in the number of grants awarded (970).