Humble Bundle’s recent charitable effort, the Humble Freedom Bundle, was a major success. The company announced yesterday that it sold more than 200,000 units of the package, which included several acclaimed games and books, with a final tally of $6.43 million going straight to organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union.
All proceeds of the weeklong sale will benefit the ACLU, Doctors Without Borders and the International Rescue Committee. Humble will also match $300,000 of customers’ dollars, adding onto the size of the donation.
This is a huge achievement for Humble Bundle, which regularly donates proceeds from its game packages to charities. The company launched the Freedom Bundle last week in response to recent, heavily criticized executive actions. These include, most prominently, a ban on travel and immigration that many saw as disturbingly discriminatory in nature. Nonprofits like the ACLU played a major part in overturning this order, referred to colloquially as the “Muslim ban.”