Nonprofit Storytelling Through Video Can Compel Your Audience
Because we are such visual creatures, stories through video can be ultra compelling for us. Video is a medium that, when it comes to nonprofit storytelling, is rarely utilized, even though it has its own unique advantages. Especially for narratives that are careful, nuanced and purpose-driven.
Obviously, for the video narrative to work, it needs to be executed well. The fact that your organization chose video as your mode of storytelling doesn’t 100 percent guarantee an epic story, but luckily for you, the ways you can make a story-by-video compelling are numerous if not infinite.
Intervale House, Canada’s very first shelter for abused women and children, recently called on renowned ad agency, Union, to create a PSA for release on Valentine’s Day. And it was epic.
So why is this video compelling? What makes it so? For me, there were lots of reasons.