10 Foolproof Fundraising Tactics
10. Create daily habits
Consistency matters! Build "the little things that matter" into your daily routine. If you're at a loss for what those little thing are, start by saying thank you to one donor every day and you'll get the hang of it. FS
Pamela Grow is a writer, coach, copywriter, nonprofit marketing consultant and author of Pamela's Grantwriting Blog. Reach her at pamelagrow@gmail.com or on Twitter at @pamelagrow.
Pamela Grow is the publisher of The Grow Report, the author of Simple Development Systems and the founder of Simple Development Systems: The Membership Program and Basics & More fundraising fundamentals e-courses. She has been helping small nonprofits raise dramatically more money for over 15 years, and was named one of the 50 Most Influential Fundraisers by Civil Society magazine, and one of the 40 Most Effective Fundraising Consultants by The Michael Chatman Giving Show.