The holiday season and end-of-year push certainly provide a much-needed jolt to fundraisers, and there are signs of economic recovery on the horizon. But budgets and purse strings are still tight, and donors are looking for the biggest bang for their donated bucks.
With that in mind, the Association of Fundraising Professionals Northeast Indiana Chapter held a presentation on Dec. 10, How to Squeeze Blood From a Turnip: Fundraising in Tough Times. During the presentation, Robert Croft, partner/consultant at Crandall, Croft & Associates, and Jennifer Renner, development supervisor at Community Action of Northeast Indiana, shared three keys that make the difference between mediocre fundraising and successful fundraising.
Culture of philanthropy
Your organization must evoke and embody a culture of philanthropy, and it must start at the top. Your executive director and CEO must be fully invested and committed to fundraising, including giving their own time and money. The same goes for your board of directors.
- Companies:
- Association of Fundraising Professionals