3 Ways to Stay On-Message for Maximum Response
The response device has to zero in on your offer clearly and forcefully. The remit in your mail appeal, the donation page for your email or any other response device is pretty much the last chance to give your offer full play, really selling the opportunity you’re presenting to donors. This is where you focus on giving your donor the chance to do something specific to address a problem in the world and feel good about doing it. But it is definitely not the place to bring up statistics, talk about programs, add extraneous photos or get sidetracked by other such distractions. Those only work against your offer and weaken your appeal. The response device is the last place where you want to risk going off-message. It’s that critical.
An agency-trained, award-winning, freelance fundraising copywriter and consultant with years of on-the-ground experience, George specializes in crafting direct mail appeals, online appeals and other communications that move donors to give. He serves major nonprofits with projects ranging from specialized appeals for mid-level and high-dollar donors, to integrated, multichannel campaigns, to appeals for acquisition, reactivation and cultivation.