So here are my predictions (hopes) for what the nonprofit sector will move toward in 2012:
1. More open, engaging organizations
Smart nonprofits are getting better at engaging armies of supporters. In order to do that, they have to cede some control. Nonprofits that allow volunteers, donors and advocates to engage their friends in their own ways will unleash a growing army of support for their organizations. Those nonprofits that continue to control the message and the method, that only engage their donors when they need money, and ignore the increasingly networked world will wither on the vine.
2. Smarter boards
I am an endless optimist when it comes to nonprofit boards of directors. Boards are, for the most part, dysfunctional, but I believe that they are getting smarter and more effective. I think boards will start asking more and better questions, increasingly put themselves to their highest and best use, focus more on strategic issues as opposed to day-to-day tasks, empower their staff leadership to take the organization in more innovative directions, and start putting their money (and their networks) where their mouth is — because this new, harsher environment absolutely necessitates a smart, strategic, innovative board.
Nell Edgington is president of Social Velocity.