Here's a simple approach to planned giving that any organization can — and should — implement RIGHT NOW. The returns on your investment of time and energy can be simply amazing!
Planned giving is the big kahuna in fundraising. That's where the profit is, says my friend and mentor Penelope Burk.
But it's always last down the line in terms of priority — after the fundraising events, mailing campaigns, sponsorships, grant applications and you name it. Somehow we never get around to planned giving. Why? It's so technical, all my friends say. We don't know anything about it. And it's a bit weird bringing up the subject.
Balderdash, I say back.
Listen, I don't know a lot about the technical end of planned giving either. And I don't need to know it. But I do know two important things: I know who the best planned-giving prospects are and what to do with them. And that's all you need to know, too.
Here's a quick and dirty plan you can implement right now. And I can't imagine a greater return on your effort!
1. Identify your best planned-giving prospects
Guess who they are? They are your most loyal donors over time. They are the most consistent, most undemanding, perhaps the most silent donors you have. If you have someone who's been giving your organization $25 for 20 to 25 years straight, you can bet that your cause is in his will. In fact, many surprise estate gifts come in from those small donors who are ignored by the development staff in favor of bigger donors.
It's the long-term donor who will leave a major gift as a legacy. As Target Analytics says, "Loyal giving behavior frequently trumps gift size as a predictor of planned giving."
2. Communicate with them annually
Simply communicate with your most loyal donors at least once a year, reminding them about estate gifts. "You can leave your legacy to our cause."
I'm actually not even sure about the word "legacy." Don't, by all means, remind them of their mortality with things like "when you're gone," which is dismal and a downer, says communications guru Tom Ahern.
3. Ditch the jargon
In your annual letter to your most loving and loyal donors, pitch estate gifts, not "planned giving." People — your donors — don't know what we mean by "planned giving." Don't throw jargon at them! Throw the words "estate gift," "leave a bequest."
4. Add estate-gift language to all your communications
Put it in your newsletter, your magazine, your mailings, your annual report. Add a sentence or two into everything you send out. Include a return card for people to ask for more information. Remember the old axiom, make it easy for people to give. That includes a simple reply vehicle!
5. Ask about donating their IRAs, tax free
Congress has just extended the IRA Charitable Rollover. This law allows people who are 70.5 years or older to make tax-free gifts of up to $100,000 a year from their IRAs. What a wonderful way for your true believers to support you! Don't be shy about suggesting this. Just imagine if only one person acted on your suggestion.
Now, if you're lucky enough to be in conversation with someone about donating her IRA, you can also gently suggest other giving options.
Action items for you right now
- RIGHT NOW, pull a list of long-term donors.
- RIGHT NOW, schedule an annual "estate/bequest" letter to them. Put it on the calendar.
- RIGHT NOW, create two lines about estate gifts to add to all your communications.
You'll be glad you did!
How about sharing your experience with planned giving? How did you make it work? What were your successes? Leave a comment and let us all know!
Gail Perry is a consultant and author of "Fired-Up Fundraising: Turn Board Passion Into Action." This article originally appeared on her Fired-Up Fundraising blog.