FundRaising Success published its first issue in November 2003, making this our 10-year anniversary year. To celebrate, we're running stories from past issues throughout the year. I can't help but laugh when I read this column from April 2008, all about how little I knew about Twitter at the time and what an exotic new medium it seemed to be! Is there anything in the world of fundraising that you feel this way about now in 2013?
It was 10 minutes past the time I was to meet someone in the lobby of the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel during the Nonprofit Technology Conference last month. I wandered through the atrium and took a seat alongside Rick Christ , president of, and explained to him what was going on.
“Twitter her,” Rick said. “Twitter her, and ask her what’s up.” I gave him the “blinkies” look — perfected during 22 years of parenting — that says, “What you have just said to me is so ridiculously out of the question that it is nearly incomprehensible.”
To his credit, he held a straight face for a full 10 seconds before laughing out loud (excuse me, before LOL) because he knows as much about Twitter as I do — the name, the fact that it has something to do with social networking and that everybody, apparently, is using it.
Later, feeling like I was 127 years old, I logged on to, created an account, got immediately confused and clicked out, retreating to the juvenile comfort of MySpace and the somewhat more grown-up safety of LinkedIn. I am, you might say, a Twitter quitter.
Click here to read the rest of the column.