FundRaising Success published its first issue in November 2003, which makes this our 10-year anniversary year. To celebrate, we'll be taking a look back at past issues throughout the year.
Today's donors are more demanding than ever. But they're really not demanding anything you don't already know how to give or do — or should already be giving or doing.
1. Receipt promptly
If your donors are waiting weeks or (heaven forbid) months for receipts, your message to them is loud and clear: Your gift doesn't matter. Aim for 24-hour turnaround, 48 hours at worst.
2. Receipt relevantly
We work so hard to motivate people to give. Sadly, it appears most of us fling out our thanks with little or no thought. The thank-you language of the receipt should close the loop. Use the same terms, specificity and emotional intensity you use when you ask.
Read the rest of the column here.