And The Winners Are ...
I’ve said this before, but it remains true: I’ve long believed that fundraisers are a rare breed. Passionate. Dedicated. Creative. Tenacious. And most of them, at their very core, true believers.
Where those qualities converge, it’s tough to find anything short of excellence. Such is the happy but difficult dilemma we face when we think about who to honor in efforts such as this, FundRaising Success’ second annual Fundraising Professionals of the Year Awards. There are plenty of choices to weigh, campaigns to praise and people to recognize. The process begins and, when it’s over, you find yourself with 50 people who deserve to have their names engraved on the plaques — but only 20-ish spaces to fill. Not to mention the 50 others who it broke your heart to have to “cut” in the first go ’round.