*** Attention Fundraising Vendors *** Act Now to Get Into the 2010 FundRaising Success Resource Guide
In December 2009, FundRaising Success will publish its fourth annual Resource Guide, an exhaustive listing of consultants, agencies and technology/service providers to the fundraising sector.
Each company that serves fundraisers is entitled to one free, standard listing in the directory, but you must submit an entry form in order to secure your place.
Please go to www.fundraisingsuccessmag.com/form/ to access a PDF file of the submission form, then print it, fill it out, and either fax or mail it to us.
Mail: 2010 Fundraising Resource Guide, FundRaising Success, 1500 Spring Garden St., 12th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130, Attn: Joe Boland.
Fax: 215.238.5270, Attn: Joe Boland
If you’re interested in multiple or enhanced listings, please contact your FundRaising Success sales representative or Christa Deeden at cdeeden@napco.com for more information.
Thank you again for participating in FundRaising Success’ Resource Guide.
— Margaret Battistelli, editor in chief, FundRaising Success