You want to be around when your followers are. A great percentage of that is trial and error. As you build a following, you can begin to gauge what days and what time of day are most popular for responses. You might have many followers overseas who are just waking up when you're going to sleep. (Follow me on Twitter and you'll see.) You might find that your followers are mostly "around" first thing in the morning, at lunchtime, toward the end of the workday or in the evening.
Attention! Social Media Does Not Equal Fundraising!
You want to be around when your followers are. A great percentage of that is trial and error. As you build a following, you can begin to gauge what days and what time of day are most popular for responses. You might have many followers overseas who are just waking up when you're going to sleep. (Follow me on Twitter and you'll see.) You might find that your followers are mostly "around" first thing in the morning, at lunchtime, toward the end of the workday or in the evening.