Social media is all about return on engagement. You engage new people who never heard of you; you build brand awareness; you use it to strengthen and expand prominent programs; you recruit volunteers; and down the road, you potentially launch a campaign.
Here's how NOT to measure engagement: by number of followers. If you have many followers but they're not engaged, what good is that? My goal is to have 150 active followers who will retweet, share and post my content when needed. Quality trumps quantity every time.
Attention! Social Media Does Not Equal Fundraising!
2. How will you measure return on engagement?
Social media is all about return on engagement. You engage new people who never heard of you; you build brand awareness; you use it to strengthen and expand prominent programs; you recruit volunteers; and down the road, you potentially launch a campaign.
Here's how NOT to measure engagement: by number of followers. If you have many followers but they're not engaged, what good is that? My goal is to have 150 active followers who will retweet, share and post my content when needed. Quality trumps quantity every time.