Obviously, compelling content is the quickest way for your blog to make its way around the Internet. But it takes a little more than that. Here are two tips:
Use storytelling as a way to bring people to your blog. People love a good, inspirational story, and I'm sure your organization has plenty of them — especially first-person stories, which always hit home. Whether they're told from the viewpoint of a constituent, donor, volunteer or staff member, a well-told story makes for an excellent read.
Have different bloggers from within your organization. Take a look at the Mercy Corps blog and see how many different writers it has. Each blogger comes with a fresh perspective, viewpoint and a different tale. People do get attached to specific bloggers and writers, but diversity allows you to appeal to a much wider audience of readers and thus introduce them to your organization.
Attention! Social Media Does Not Equal Fundraising!
Additional reading: The personality behind the logo — how to deal with negative tweets.
4. How can you get people to read your blog?
Obviously, compelling content is the quickest way for your blog to make its way around the Internet. But it takes a little more than that. Here are two tips:
5. How will you help your community?