Make posts easily scannable. Use bullets to display lists.
Frame your post around key sections that illustrate your points with bold headlines.
Use pull quotes strategically, such as to highlight a compelling comment or good stat.
Display several posts on the main page using excerpts and associated images so Web visitors can get a quick synopsis of your latest articles.
Keep posts to around 500 to 750 words or less. If your post is longer, divide it into a two-part post, which has the added benefit of creating some suspense on your blog for Part 2.
To increase your search engine rankings, use keywords that relate to your nonprofit's issue. A keyword-oriented blog can increase your chances of higher search rankings, which means more traffic to your blog.
Give visitors opportunities to subscribe to your blog's RSS feed (at the top of your blog and at the bottom of a post).
Incorporate a link to "AddThis," at the end of every blog post, which encourages users to promote blog posts.
Promote key articles to colleagues, listservs, reporters and your followers on social networks like Twitter and Facebook
Post comments on blogs discussing similar topics as yours.
Kapin said some of her favorite nonprofit blogs include:
Nonprofit Blogging for Beginners
Kapin said some of her favorite nonprofit blogs include: