Goal: Honor those affected by your mission
Campaign strategy: Honorary and memorial campaigns
Supporters often wish to honor or remember loved ones by making donations to their favorite charitable organizations. If your organization supports a population that is personally affected or extremely passionate about your cause, you should have a way for supporters to honor those affected by your mission or who champion your mission. Honorary and memorial campaigns allow supporters to set up fundraising pages in honor or memory of loved ones, and ask other friends and family members to show their support by making gifts as well.
Matthew Mielcarek serves as senior vice president of analytics and insights strategy at Pursuant. In his role, he works hand in hand with C-level nonprofit executives to unlock latent value in constituent and transaction data. He also engages with fundraisers to validate current strategies and identify untapped opportunities for growth.
Matthew has deep integrated strategy and campaigning expertise, working for traditional and online advertising agencies since 1995. With experience leading more than 100 nonprofit client engagements, he has addressed challenges faced by the smallest regional organizations to the largest multi-chapter, multi-affiliate organizations across 15 nonprofit verticals. Matthew has a degree in advertising from the University of Texas at Austin. Early in his career, he worked at GSD&M Advertising Kantar Millward Brown, a market research firm.