Goal: Engage a population in a specific issue
Campaign strategy: Virtual campaigns
As with every good fundraising campaign, a virtual peer-to-peer campaign should have a specific purpose and a specific ask. Virtual campaigns are a great way to engage supporters who can’t otherwise attend events or donate personally, and are often popular among younger audiences. If you’re looking to raise awareness around a certain cause and among a particular audience, a virtual campaign may work for you. In addition to online fundraising pages and e-mail, social media can be a useful tool for providing updates and new content to those participating in a virtual campaign.
Matthew Mielcarek serves as senior vice president of analytics and insights strategy at Pursuant. In his role, he works hand in hand with C-level nonprofit executives to unlock latent value in constituent and transaction data. He also engages with fundraisers to validate current strategies and identify untapped opportunities for growth.
Matthew has deep integrated strategy and campaigning expertise, working for traditional and online advertising agencies since 1995. With experience leading more than 100 nonprofit client engagements, he has addressed challenges faced by the smallest regional organizations to the largest multi-chapter, multi-affiliate organizations across 15 nonprofit verticals. Matthew has a degree in advertising from the University of Texas at Austin. Early in his career, he worked at GSD&M Advertising Kantar Millward Brown, a market research firm.