Don't Rob Peter to Pay Paul

The solution: The Project Catalyst campaign has a unique logo, but it’s in the same color as the organization’s logo. All Project Catalyst materials reflect and support Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy’s existing brand.
Building the brand
A strong brand can create a platform on which all communications about the organization will be built. It can create name recognition, generate income and establish credibility swiftly and elegantly. A poorly developed brand communicates instability, a lack of professionalism and a tendency to be ‘penny-wise, pound-foolish.’ All organizations have a brand, whether they admit it or not, and examining or changing it can be a painful process. It requires time, money, staff and board participation, and lots of patience.
- Companies:
- Big Duck Studio

Sarah Durham is president of Big Duck, a New York City-based branding, marketing and fundraising firm for nonprofits. She serves on the boards of the National Brain Tumor Society and the New York Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).