Links to Blog Posts You Should Read!
So you seriously want to be a client?
"Come in, come in. I’m sorry you’ve been kept waiting but we really are very busy here at the agency right now. You’ll be the first to know how difficult it is to choose a new client. Let me just make the introductions. I’m Max Headroom, the MD. This is Richard Shops, our creative director, Beulah Hill, head of gerunds, Miss Swollocks from invoicing and chicanery, Mr Janus from dispatch and research and, lastly but not leastly, Wilf the cleaner. Anything to add, Dick?" You know you want to know what this is all about … click here to read the full post.
Nobody Uses Their Real Name Online, and Other Outdated Notions
"The idea that the internet is a place that's separate from reality has faded. People generally have online identities that map to who they really are. Outside of a few legitimate edge cases and the occasional sci-fi fantasy, who we are online is simply who we are." Click here to read the full post.