Press release (June 18, 2012) — On May 22, CureSearch for Children’s Cancer accepted America’s Charities “Community Leader of the Year” award. This award, given out each year at America’s Charities’ National Member meeting and conference, is presented to an individual or agency that thinks out of the box to represent themselves and America’s Charities at the many events taking place during the campaign season.
America’s Charities helps the nation’s most trusted charities thrive by generating sustainable income through workplace giving and additional paths. They strive to inspire employers and individuals to reach their philanthropic goals and support the charities of their choice.
CureSearch’s mission is to fund and support children’s cancer research and provide information and education resources to those affected by children’s cancer. CureSearch funds its mission by raising philanthropic dollars through organizations like America’s Charities and its national events including the CureSearch Walk, Return to Recess and Ultimate Hike.
“CureSearch is honored to receive this incredible award from America’s Charities,” says Vice President of Communications and Advocacy Erica Neufeld. “It is through the generosity of our donors and volunteers that we continue to be a national leader in raising the dollars critical to help make treatment possible and a cure probable for children with cancer.”
Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 20. While researchers have improved overall cure rates from a 10 percent just 40 years ago to 80 percent today, there is more work to be done. By continuing to raise funds for research, CureSearch hopes that one day, children won’t even know the word cancer.
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