DMA Nonprofit Federation Announces New Fundraising Principles
For Immediate Release
Susan Taplinger
Washington, DC O(July 11) — The DMA Nonprofit Federation, through its Ethics Committee and its Advisory Council, has adopted new Fundraising Principles & Best Practices for Accountability in Fundraising. The DMANF asks its members to review the principles to ensure their adherence to the standards set forth in the document and when working with any third parties or agencies that provide fundraising support. The DMANF asks its members to hold themselves and the industry to the highest standards of accountability.
"Donors expect nonprofits to be accountable and transparent. The new principles serve as key reminders to organizations that they hold a public trust," said Senny Boone, DMANF General Counsel. "Legitimate organizations already hold themselves and others accountable when fundraising; they explain their fundraising process to their donors; and they use donated funds wisely. Legitimate nonprofit organizations seek to fulfill their missions using the highest ethical fundraising standards, and these principles are meant to provide the appropriate guidelines."
Fundraising principles ighlighted include:
General Principles