Elsevier Foundation Announces $500,000 in New Grants
Childcare at the EMBO Meeting, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
The Elsevier Foundation grant will enable “The EMBO Meeting” or first annual life sciences meeting organized by the European Molecular Biology Organization to offer subsidized multilingual onsite childcare services at the 2009 conference venues in Amsterdam and Barcelona. This program will enable young European life scientists to take full professional advantages of the EMBO conference and serve as a family-friendly model among scientific societies in Europe.
A Program for Personal and Professional Development of Women Scientists in Georgia, Maternal and Childcare Union Tbilisi Georgia
With a grant from the Elsevier Foundation, this project will create a framework of national issues, capacities, mentoring and support for women scientists in Georgia. While the Soviet era officially offered women equal access to education, employment and remuneration, no real or lasting opportunities were created for women to develop as leaders in science. To address these challenges, this grant will conduct a survey of 100 Georgian postdoctoral women candidates, a week-long training curriculum for 150 scientists, and build a new virtual network and website resource. Georgian women scientists from different regions and institutions will learn the tools, skills, and networks needed to advance their careers including developing grant proposals, managing research projects, publishing results, successfully balancing work and family -- and assuming leadership positions.