Elsevier Foundation Announces $500,000 in New Grants
Building on an operational health network to develop a health information library network in Cameroon, Centre International de Reference “Chantal Biya” (CIRCB)
The Elsevier Foundation grant will be used to develop a central library system to collect, document, and disseminate relevant HIV/AIDS research from the Centre International de Reference “Chantal Biya” (CIRCB) hub based in Yaoundé to outlying health institutes in seven of the country’s ten provinces with extremely limited access to information. The CIRCB plays a leading role in strengthening regional research capacity and the prevention, treatment and management of HIV/AIDS, a highly prevalent disease in sub-Saharan Africa. The grant will leverage the strength of existing health, training and previous funding networks to share information on the latest literature and advances in HIV/AIDS treatment across the region.
Creating an Integrated Library System (ILS) Using Open Source Software KOHA for BRAC University Library, Aysha Abed Library BRAC University
A grant from the Elsevier Foundation will enable Bangladesh’s BRAC University to implement a complete ILS or library automation system using open source software to enrich their infrastructure, serving as both a local resource and model for other Bangladeshi university libraries. BRAC or the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee is one of the world’s largest NGO’s working in the field of poverty alleviation, rural health care and education. The ILS project will facilitate internal processing activities, migrate and preserve data from the existing library systems into standard format, provide staff training, and ensure timely access to the information resources of the BRACU library’s national and international resources.