Once people learn about the problem, they may feel that their contribution is too small to make a difference in combating such an overwhelming problem. Our challenge is to educate people about the issue and the many ways they can make a difference in the lives of these children.
2. Budget: As an agency, Horizons for Homeless Children is extremely committed to maintaining a low administrative cost. It is based on an underlying philosophy that as much as possible of the funds raised should be allocated to our direct service programs for homeless children and their families, and the maintenance and refinement of program content and delivery. In directing funds to program, agency fundraising efforts often operate with reduced budgets and, therefore, aggressively seek out pro bono or steeply discounted means of executing annual plans.
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%0D%0A%20%20With%20102%20employees%20and%20a%20$9%20million%20annual%20operating%20budget,%20the%20organization%20provides%20opportunities%20for%20early%20childhood%20education%20to%20homeless%20children%20and,%20for%20families%20served%20long-term,%20"it%20connects%20their%20parents%20with%20the%20tools%20they%20need%20to%20achieve%20social%20and%20economic%20self-sufficiency."%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.nonprofitpro.com%2Farticle%2Ffundraiser-discusses-difficulties-tactics-successes-fundraising%2F" target="_blank" class="email" data-post-id="10298" type="icon_link"> Email Email
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