Ah, Twitter. Modern nonprofits can find immense benefits from this social-media giant simply by creating a handle and describing their missions in 140 characters or fewer. But there are some tricks to maximizing your Twitter return on investment. In the infographic “Getting a Handle on Twitter for Nonprofits,” cloud-based fundraising solutions provider MobileCause highlighted the following key points:
- There is an 86 percent retweet rate for tweets that contain a link.
- There is a 200 percent increase in engagement when tweets are posted with photos.
- The 80-20 rule states that 80 percent of the content tweeted by a nonprofit should be shared content from other like-minded organizations and valuable content related to the organization. Twenty percent should be content about the organization and donation appeals.
Twitter engagement isn’t a sure thing, though. Timing is crucial to success. MobileCause emphasized that tweets should be sent out at noon, 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Wednesdays and weekends in order to generate the highest retweets and click-through rates. Nonprofits aiming to boost engagement should do their best to post at these times. The infographic also suggested using a scheduling app to pre-schedule tweets on holidays, after hours and over weekends.
When used effectively, Twitter can help nonprofits connect with a broad audience they may not otherwise be able to reach, opening more doors for future fundraising.
For nonprofits looking to gain a competitive edge, download the infographic from MobileCause for a more detailed look.
Bobby Brier is an editorial assistant for Print+Promo. Reach him at bbrier@napco.com.