Know Your Donor. Know Your Donor. Know Your Donor.
"I can't believe it!" she said. And then she told the story about meeting with her donor that morning, how she had been very nervous and wondered if she had prepared properly. Things seemed to be going well. And then …
Well, let me tell you how the major-gifts officer said it. "And then the donor asked me a question that I wasn't quite ready for: 'How much do you want me to give?' Richard," she said, "my heart was pounding. And for a minute I just didn't know what to say. And then I remembered the work I had done preparing for this meeting. And although I hadn't been prepared for the donor to just come out and ask me this question, I did know the answer. So, I said, 'A million dollars!' I just said it!"
If you’re hanging with Richard it won’t be long before you’ll be laughing.
He always finds something funny in everything. But when the conversation is about people, their money and giving, you’ll find a deeply caring counselor who helps donors fulfill their passions and interests. Richard believes that successful major-gift fundraising is not fundamentally about securing revenue for good causes. Instead it is about helping donors express who they are through their giving. The Connections blog will provide practical information on how to do this successfully. Richard has more than 30 years of nonprofit leadership and fundraising experience, and is founding partner of the Veritus Group.