"Make negativity feel like the exception," Blanchard said.
Group 5: Fiends. They actively want to spread a negative vibe about your organization, and they can inflict a lot of damage. They might hate what you stand for or what they think you stand for, might feel wronged and see this as a path to revenge, might be misguided, or might have a legitimate beef. While they are few, they can be powerful.
Listening, Engaging and Measuring in Social-Media Spaces
"Make negativity feel like the exception," Blanchard said.
Group 5: Fiends. They actively want to spread a negative vibe about your organization, and they can inflict a lot of damage. They might hate what you stand for or what they think you stand for, might feel wronged and see this as a path to revenge, might be misguided, or might have a legitimate beef. While they are few, they can be powerful.