More Than $4 Million in Grants to Help Local Nonprofits
Voces de la Frontera Worker’s Center to implement the Immigration Integration Project, which provides English education, citizenship classes and legal help for workers facing discrimination and workforce exploitation.
Wisconsin Center for Nursing to extend the Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future project. Four Milwaukee-area health departments, three schools of nursing and the state Department of Workforce Development are involved in the collaboration, which works to place 15 to 25 new public health nurses at local health departments.
Advocates of Ozaukee Inc. to hire a part-time staff member to provide case management for the growing number of adult and child domestic violence victims the agency serves.
Grants from other funds include:
Mary Nohl Fund:$204,150 to 11 agencies and $87,000 to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the Individual Artists Fellowship Program, which will provide fellowships to two established artists and two emerging artists.
Elsa Schoeneich Medical Research Fund:$50,000 to the Parkinson Research Institute at the Aurora Sinai Medical Center for research that will search for the specific root causes of Parkinson disease.
The Foundation Board also allocated $80,000 (over two years) to the Mosaic Fund for continuation of the Mosaic Partnerships program, an effort to bridge Milwaukee’s racial divide by engaging community leaders of different races in ongoing interpersonal dialogue and group discussion.