Study: Operating Charity Investment Returns Rise to an Average of 15.1 Percent in Fiscal Year 2013
Of 22 responding institutions with debt, 14 percent increased their debt load in FY2013 while 50 percent decreased it. Thirty-six percent reported no change.
Resources, Management and Governance
The number of full-time professional operating charity staff members devoted to investments averaged 1.5 full-time equivalents (FTEs) versus last year's average of 1.4 FTEs. Twenty-two percent of Study participants reported having a chief investment officer, down from 25 percent a year ago. Eighty-two percent of Study participants reported using a consultant, all but unchanged compared to last year's 83 percent. Twenty-two percent of respondents said they have substantially outsourced the investment function, while another 12 percent said they are considering substantially outsourcing the function.