ProFile: Ben Vitale, President, The Climate Trust
In the February issue of FundRaising Success, staff writer Joe Boland speaks with Ben Vitale, president of The Climate Trust, about how the for-profit world can offer valuable insights for nonprofits, and how his dual background helps him in his goals at the organization.
FS: What advice would you give other nonprofits looking to expand their support and funding?
Ben Vitale: "I'd encourage others to be optimistic even in these tough times. An honest review of where the situation is at and reviewing the fit with prospective donors given their situation — they're also in this financial crisis — so recognizing what some of their new limitations are, even if they have the desire to fund at a higher level but only have the capability in the shorter term for smaller funding. I think things will loosen up over time; be optimistic that we're getting closer to that point."
Click here to read more of Joe's interview with Ben Vitale, and here to read more of the February issue of FundRaising Success.