Six Steps of Capital Campaign Solicitation
After you make your closing statement, wait silently for prospects to respond. They can respond one of three ways: yes, no or maybe. If they say yes, thank them and repeat the details of the gift, e.g., amount, time line, etc. If they say no, determine what it is they’re objecting to. If they’re objecting to the gift level, ask them what level of support they’d be comfortable with. If they are saying no to supporting the campaign, tell them they don’t have to decide at that time. Weinstein suggests first telling “no” and “maybe” responders that you’ll get them more information and speak again in a few months. If the response is an outright “no,” thank the prospect for his or her time and express hope that they will support the organization in the future.
- People:
- John Wiley
- Stanley Weinstein