Little Dogs ... Big Tricks
Fundraising with a tiny staff or budget might seem daunting, but smaller nonprofits can be real powerhouses when 
it comes to raising money.
Dane Grams
and Richard Deveau
The formula for the success of any direct-mail appeal follows the 50-30-20 rule, which means that 50 percent of an appeal's success depends on the mailing list, 30 percent depends on the offer, and the remaining 20 percent depends on the copywriting.
Therefore, it is imperative that all of these components are done as well as possible. Again, get some professional help. Your data person can usually help with your mailing list selection, and your copywriter can help with offer development as well as the copy.
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Dane Grams
Author's page
Dane Grams is the director of membership for Human Rights Campaign. He has held senior positions at Amnesty International, Greenpeace USA and Care2. Reach him atÂ
Richard Deveau
Author's page
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