Special 'Challenging Times Discount' for FundRaising Success Gold Awards
Philadelphia, June 24, 2009 — FundRaising Success announces a special "Challenging Times Discount" on entry fees for its fifth annual Gold Awards for Fundraising Excellence. The new fee is $125 total for the first two entries and $50 for each subsequent one — a 50 percent savings.
Click here for an entry form and tracking sheet.
All entries must be in the FS office by Friday, July 10.
The categories remain the same as last year. They are:
* Direct Mail: Acquisition (50,000 or more mailed)
* Direct Mail: Acquisition (Fewer than 50,000 mailed)
* Direct Mail: Renewal (50,000 or more mailed)
* Direct Mail: Renewal (Fewer than 50,000 mailed)
* Direct Mail: Special Appeal
* Package of the Year: The highest overall points-getter among the other direct-mail winners
* Grand Control of the Year: Chosen from the controls in the Who's Mailing What! Archive
* E-philanthropy: For campaigns centered around e-mail and Web, with no direct-mail components
* Multichannel: For campaigns that combine any number of strategies, including direct mail
* Fearless Fundraising: For innovative, push-the-envelope campaigns that employ elements of mobile, guerrilla, social-networking or other cutting-edge strategies.
The Gold Awards' winners will be published in the September
2009 issue of FundRaising Success magazine. Questions? E-mail mbattistelli@napco.com.
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- Places:
- Philadelphia