[Editor’s Reply: My apologies if anything I wrote in my Editor’s Note seemed disrespectful. I used the word “ignorant” to mean “lacking knowledge” on a particular subject — not “stupid,” which is how that word is sometimes construed. Judging by the session I attended (and other discussions), there does seem to be a great deal of ignorance within the industry when it comes to impending changes that could affect nonprofit fundraising. I include myself in that description, since I (like many people) am not fully educated on all of the implications. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for those whose life’s work it is to raise money for worthy causes. I certainly don’t consider our readers (or their questions) stupid. Quite the contrary — they are a constant source of education for me. The intention of my column was to remind all of our readers of the importance of staying abreast of the latest developments that affect their jobs. — MB]