Today's Featured Blog Posts
The Planned Gift Ask - You Have to Use It
"f your organization counts on individual charitable gifts to support programs as well as everyday expenses, how can you responsibly not request a planned gift? ... Keep in mind that this is someone who already has a relationship with your nonprofit. If you don't ask for this gift, you can be sure it will go to the nonprofit that does ask." Read the full post.
What Did You Do with the Money You Raised Last Year?
"I continue to be so impressed with the way Charity: Water handles its online communications to donors. ... Latest cases in point: They've explained to donors what they did with money they raised more than a year ago. This is so refreshing and different from what we usually see, which is treating a fundraising campaign like the end of the story (Woo-Hoo! We met the goal!) instead of the beginning of the story (We've raised the money, now watch what we do with it!)." Read the full post.