Today's Featured Blog Posts
From Retention Song To Last Christmas (The JGA Supporter Care Mix)
"Like many others, we thoroughly enjoyed Reinier Spruit's excellent lyrical reworking of the classic Redemption Song into Retention Song (see the post on 101Fundraising here). It set us to thinking we should offer up a festive response of our own, so Claire in our office has provided the JGA perspective on supporter care using Wham's (slightly less classic) Last Christmas." Read the full post.
Think your website is not where donors look to be thanked? Think again.
"Does Jeff want a letter or would he rather have his name on a scrolling donor wall? Is a personalized email best or should you post it on Twitter? Does Courtney want to see a video of an impact story or would a private message be best? However they're done, Thank Yous are important. But even more important than the actual words are the way in which they're said, emailed, tweeted, posted or shared. The tricky part do your supporters want you to say it?" Read the full post.