More Feedback, Better Care
Jennifer Parris (@LeBonheurChild), communications specialist at Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center in Memphis, Tenn. writes, “Social media gives us a special opportunity to hear what people are saying about our hospital. Before this technology, we heard about these conversations by word of mouth. Now, we can listen to specific comments parents are making about the care their child is receiving at our hospital. It gives us the unique opportunity act on their thoughts and comments.”
Twitter: It Isn't Just for Breakfast Anymore
More Feedback, Better Care
Jennifer Parris (@LeBonheurChild), communications specialist at Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center in Memphis, Tenn. writes, “Social media gives us a special opportunity to hear what people are saying about our hospital. Before this technology, we heard about these conversations by word of mouth. Now, we can listen to specific comments parents are making about the care their child is receiving at our hospital. It gives us the unique opportunity act on their thoughts and comments.”