A: I’m a big fan of the “Jeffersonian Dinner” — a simple fundraising event anyone can execute from the comfort of their home. We all appreciate good food, good drinks and interesting conversation. That’s all the Jeffersonian Dinner is! The cause-driven host invites a leader from a charity they care about to be the featured dinner guest. Then, individuals from the host’s network (who could or ought to be more involved with the
charity) are invited to dinner.
The host seats everyone, serves drinks, introduces the guest who speaks briefly on the cause at hand and then the host raises conversation-provoking questions, involving others around the table, while keeping the flow (and food and libations) going! The conversation concludes with a call-to-action — to make a gift, volunteer, advocate, etc. One key rule: No sidebar conversations during dinner! All must talk to the whole group.
Scott Koskoski
Managing Director
A: With peer-to-peer fundraising, look beyond just one or two creative ideas. Make peer-to-peer fundraising a lens through which you look at all your fundraising initiatives. With each initiative, ask: “How can peer-to-peer fundraising energize this by making it more fun, engaging and influential?”
Answering this question helps you bring emotion and impact to your peer-to-peer campaigns to drive urgency, engagement and results. Combine a peer-to-peer campaign with an event
by enlisting current supporters, as well as the overall community, and spotlighting their “why” related to your cause.
For example, launch a peer-to-peer campaign for an animal welfare nonprofit that has volunteers, board members, local community leaders and celebrities sharing stories of how pets have made a powerful impact on their lives. Tie the campaign to an event, which has the timeframe and goals, where you share these stories and recognize all individual fundraiser hosts and spotlight top fundraisers to fuel competitive fun prior to the event.
David Blyer
CEO & President
To see the full NonProfit PRO editorial advisory board, visit nonprofitpro.com/editstaff.
Nhu is a content strategist with over a decade of experience improving the way social good brands engage and build connections through human-first storytelling. She currently leads NTB Content, a content marketing agency with a niche in digital fundraising and nonprofit tech.