And the Winners Are … the 2014 FundRaising Success Gold Awards for Fundraising Excellence
As always, choosing the winners in our Gold Awards for Fundraising Excellence was no easy job. But choose we did. Here are the efforts our judges deemed the best of the best!
There is just no containing the joy when you open the holiday card that is part of this package, and Ramses the lion roars out a holiday greeting. (Well, just roars.)
The objective of this campaign was both to raise funds, and to thank and engage loyal Tiger Haven donors. The very cool talking card not only features a very lionly greeting from Ramses, but also a special recorded thank-you message from Tiger Haven’s founder and president. There is no denying that the numbers bear out the success of this package. At 16.69 percent response rate, it surpassed the average rate of 2013 donor packages (10.60 percent), and at $102,323 net, it far surpassed the average net of 2013 donor packages ($69,333).
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Margaret Battistelli Gardner
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