Concerns over safety, health and economic uncertainty weigh heavily on all of America as we continue to live through the longest government shutdown in history. In addition to those fears, as a fundraiser, I can’t help but worry about how this will affect nonprofit giving in both the short and long term...
Angela Struebing
If passed this week, the new Republican tax legislation will “simplify” the tax code and increase the standard deduction; thereby reducing the number of people who itemize their taxes...
Strapped for time and resources, nonprofits often need vendors to get things done. But just because you outsource projects, it doesn’t mean your data is safe from cybersecurity threats. In part one of this series, “Employ These Corporate Cyber Security Safeguards Now," we examined critical initiatives you can employ to help protect your constituent data internally...
Nonprofits aren’t immune. In fact, nonprofit organizations may be prime cyber-attack targets. Most collect and store sensitive data like emails, social security numbers, billing information and more. Despite this, nonprofits are often hesitant to make cybersecurity a priority due to the investment of time and resources...
Call it gossip, scuttlebutt, tittle-tattle or rumor—workplace negativity is an insidious morale buster that can distract even the most dedicated employees. And nonprofits aren’t immune to it. People are people, even when working for the greater good...
Summer is a perfect time to catch up on good books. Not only salacious romance novels and suspenseful mysteries, but also reading that can advance your skills, career and overall perspective. Looking for a management page-turner? A book about a nonprofit pioneer that you just can’t put down?...
Want in on a little-known secret? Wealthy people aren’t the primary group leaving bequests to charities. In fact, according to the Institute of Charitable Giving, 82 percent of bequests come from donors with a net worth of less than $3 million. Planned giving refers to a charitable gift that an individual creates during his or her lifetime that will take effect after his or her passing. It’s a way for people to make a lasting gift to a cause that’s important to them. It can also provide tax benefits to the donor. ...
With the onset of new and emerging technologies in the fundraising arena, today’s fundraisers have many channels by which to acquire new donors. The question is: Which are the best?