Jess LeDonne

Jess LeDonne

Jess LeDonne serves as The Bonadio Group’s director of policy and legislative affairs. She is an expert resource on legislative, political and policy affairs that may impact businesses. Jess monitors the ever-changing legislative landscape to ensure her clients are fully informed via clear, concise, and actionable messaging. Her mission is to mitigate risk, ensuring ongoing informed and strategic consultation across all practice areas and maximizing business opportunities related to all new legislative initiatives.

She received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Notre Dame and a J.D. from Chapman University School of Law, and she has more than 10 years of experience in legal, compliance, tax and government relations.

How to Successfully Fundraise Through Gaming in New York State

As inflation rises and nonprofits seek to ramp up fundraising efforts to adjust to a volatile economy, many are turning to unique approaches to encourage charitable giving. To promote giving in New York state, some nonprofits turn to gaming and gambling, including events like casino nights or methods like raffles and roulette.