Josh Gerben

Josh Gerben

Josh Gerben is U.S. trademark attorney and principal of Gerben Law Firm in Washington, D.C. Named the No. 3 U.S. trademark filer in 2009 by Trademark Insider, Josh has represented clients in more than 5,000 trademark filings with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Josh has been a featured panelist on FOX News and has provided insights and opinions to a variety of national news outlets, including The Wall Street Journal and NPR. Learn more about trademarks on Gerben Law Firms blog.

Why Your Nonprofit Should Obtain a Trademark for Its Name

Providing quality services. Raising funds. Promoting public awareness. Regardless of your nonprofit’s core mission, tasks like these are never far from your ever-growing list of things to do. But there’s one more thing you need to add to your list if you haven’t already, and that’s obtaining federal trademark registration for your name...