Karrie Wozniak

Karrie Wozniak

Karrie Wozniak is VP of marketing for BidPal, leading mobile fundraising platform helping nonprofits raise more money and connect with more donors.

5 Ways to End Your Fundraising Year With a Bang

Approximately one-third of all donations are made during the last two months of the year. People tend to be in a giving mood during the holidays and are taking stock of their contributions before the year-end. Since the final months of the year can make or break a nonprofit’s budget, marketing messages to raise important funds kick into full swing beginning as early as Labor Day...

6 Ways to Reverse the Peer-to-Peer Skid

America’s love affair with peer-to-peer fundraising events is well documented. Every year, thousands of organizations sponsor “a-thon events”—such as walks, runs and rides—in which their supporters act as their fundraisers...