Nonprofit payment processing and data security are necessary elements to maintain trust among your donors.
Leigh Kessler
Email marketing is a key strategy for any nonprofit’s overall fundraising strategy. While email is a digital platform for persuasive rhetoric, which can be used to help convince people to donate, this can only be done when email is used correctly.
As a promotion at recent fundraising conferences, my team had the idea to give away pedometers to the more than 4,000 fundraisers in attendance. If they walked 33,000 steps at the conference, and sent a picture confirming their totals, we’d make a $25 donation to their nonprofits. I thought this would become the Ice Bucket Challenge of fundraising conferences. It did not...
When I heard about Jerry Seinfeld’s roadside lemonade fundraiser run-in with the East Hamptons Town Police Department, I was excited. Why? Because I love when nonprofits and stand-up comedy come together. (Police involvement or not). As someone who spent years in the stand-up world, I think there’s about a hundred things that nonprofits can learn from stand-up comedians, particularly about their online experience. So in honor of Jerry’s lemonade uproar and the ultimate rule of comedy, here are three of them...