Nate Nasralla, CFRE

Nate Nasralla, CFRE

Nate is a CFRE and was the co-founder of, which merged with Network for Good, where he now serves as their senior program director of impact & sustainability. In this capacity, Nate is primarily responsible for helping grantmakers to evaluate and redesign their grants process to better accomplish strategic impact objectives.

Since beginning work in professional fundraising, Nate has helped more than 500 small and emerging nonprofits address their most pressing fundraising challenges. As a Millennial who has dedicated his career to the fundraising professional, he is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader, helping Generation X and Baby Boomer fundraisers understand donor acquisition, digital, social and online fundraising.

Nonprofit Funders, It’s Time to Roll Up Our Sleeves

A growing number of nonprofit funders participating in the “effective philanthropy” movement have embraced the idea that grant dollars can’t change everything. They steep all aspects of their work and staff in the belief that effective foundations don’t exist to grant money...

Why You Should Stop Being a Hero

As we scroll through headlines and highlights triumphantly displayed on our social media feeds, it’s hard to feel that we who answer phones, enter gift records, clean office dishes and chip away at “To-Do” lists will ever arrive at greatness. Can you recall the feeling that, although your nonprofit has a meaningful mission, your workweek just feels like uneventful routines and ordinary tasks?...