If we really want to see a shift in how the nonprofit sector is funded, we need to make some pretty radical changes to business as usual. So start to entertain the idea. What would it look like if your board brought in 10 percent of your annual budget?
Nell Edgington
Board members need to put their weight behind organization building. And they can start by giving their nonprofit these five priceless gifts.
You must move away from scarcity-based board recruitment where you beg people to fill vacant holes on your board and instead create a recruitment strategy that identifies the right people with the right skills, experience and networks who will become your partners in bringing more money in the door.
The nonprofit starvation cycle is one nonprofit leaders know only too well. Nonprofit organizations rarely have the technology, staff and systems to function effectively. So they scrape by trying to wring one more drop out of a completely dry rock. But instead of waiting for funders to fix the situation, it is up to nonprofit leaders themselves to break free. And you break free by raising capacity capital.
It is so inspiring to see people who are on the front lines of creating stronger schools, neighborhoods and communities in this country suddenly realize that it doesn't have to be so hard. You can stop beating your head against the fundraising wall.
If you want to attract and retain someone who will develop a sustainable financial engine for your nonprofit, don’t leave your fundraiser out in the cold. Fully integrate your head fundraiser into your organization, and provide the tools, support and resources necessary to succeed.
I’m more of an optimist than fortune-teller, but the nonprofit sector is changing in some exciting ways. And I, for one, am excited to see what the new year brings. Following are five trends we should watch for.
If fundraising is the biggest challenge of the nonprofit sector, then strategic planning is second only to it. The crazy thing is, if you connect the two (strategic planning and raising money) you not only are more financially sustainable, but you also achieve more social change.
Again and again I see the same mistakes being made in nonprofit fundraising plans. Here are the seven mistakes to avoid.
To persuade donors to give amid an increasingly competitive nonprofit landscape, you must move your messaging away from organizational needs and toward social impact. In so doing, you will enjoy an individual donor base that is more invested, engaged and committed to the work your nonprofit does in the community.
Money to build nonprofit organizations isn’t just lying around. But with a compelling argument for how money to build an organization can result in much greater impact, many more donors can become builders.
If nonprofits are going to truly break free from the vicious fundraising cycle, they must find the courage to tell funders how it really is. And since board members are a nonprofit’s closest supporters and (I hope) donors, you need to stop telling them these lies as well.
Here are nine ways board members can raise money without fundraising in the traditional sense.
The nonprofits that will emerge from this recession stronger, more effective and better able to really tackle the many problems facing us are those organizations that have taken a step back and put in place the building blocks that will move them forward.
There are many things that board members can do to raise significantly more money for their organization, in a much more effective way. Here are seven to get you started.