Tech is helping nonprofits collect huge amounts of data, which must be leveraged for fundraising. Here’s how to turn data into dollars.
Paul D'Alessandro
With a new administration entering the White House, nonprofits must keep an eye on these key areas that will undoubtedly impact them.
Building a charitable organization is costly. Fiscal sponsors are an excellent way to grow an American charity beyond its local base.
Here are four principles to guide you as you do the work of prospecting and building relationships to find and engage donors.
Nonprofits need to understand that major donor fundraising has a seasonality. Here’s how to work with this ebb and flow.
The balance of power within nonprofits is shifting in favor of wealthy donors and boards. Here are two strategies to address this.
Issues like AI and changing donor ideas may be important, but don’t lose sight of the idea of community and shared responsibility.
Several development directors recently asked me about consulting as a side hustle, which made me consider three critical things.
Many fundraisers think small and don’t present a bold ask to donors. Now, it’s time to rethink nonprofits and how they operate.
Although the U.S. is a generous nation, Americans are skeptical of charities. Here are two ways that the sector can address this.
The unexpected can strike at any time, and creating a disaster fund can help your nonprofit be ready for any disaster.
There are so many tech companies in the nonprofit sector, so it helps to understand the pros and cons of tech use for nonprofits.
We know that we're living at a time of great shapeshifting, and the changes affect the nonprofit sector as well. One of the most significant shifts is corporations’ power and influence over what donors can and cannot do with the nonprofits they support.
The pandemic created a paradigm shift in the nonprofit sector, which has changed fundraising as we once knew it.
Many wealthy individuals now prefer working through intermediaries to handle their giving activity. Here are tips to draw them closer.